Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision
Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO):
Mrs Katherine Gaskell
SEND Governor:
Mrs Laura Burke
The first person to contact with any concerns about your child’s progress or needs should always be their class teacher. They will be able to discuss the issues with you and tell you what the school can do to help. If you remain concerned, you can discuss your concerns further with Mrs Gaskell - The schools Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENCO) who may also be able to support you. If you would like someone to support you in visiting the school to discuss your child’s needs, you can contact Embrace on 01942 233323.
You can find out more information regarding the school's approach to supporting children with an additional need by reading our SEND-information-report
Schools will follow a 'graduated approach', this means looking at each child as an individual and exploring the support they need to help them learn. Information must be revisited and revised to understand how your child learns and how they can be supported to make good progress.
After talking to you and your child, we may decide to give them extra help in school. After an agreed time, this will be reviewed to see if progress has been made.
If further support is needed, schools may ask for advice from specialists and follow their suggestions. After an agreed period of time they would review your child’s progress.
You can find our school SEND policy here.