School Behaviour Policy
At Orrell Lamberhead Green Academy the children enjoy a happy, secure environment, which is achieved by all staff exercising a positive but firm discipline within a stimulating atmosphere. The school expects:
• All pupils to show respect towards others, property and themselves
• Every teacher to be good at managing and improving pupils’ behaviour
• Parents to encourage their children to show respect and support the behaviour policy
• The Headteacher to help create a culture of respect by ensuring that the policy is applied consistently and fairly across the school.
• The governing body and Headteacher to deal with allegations against teachers and other school staff quickly, fairly and consistently in a way that protects the pupil and at the same time supports the person who is subject of the allegation.
All members of our school community have a right to a safe and challenging learning environment.
Pupils learn best in an ordered environment and this is achieved when expectations of learning and behaviour are high and where consequences are made explicit and applied consistently.
Orrell Lamberhead Green Academy expects behaviour to be of a high standard throughout the school day, whilst participating in trips and visits and when representing the school in our community.
Good behaviour needs to be recognised, taught, modelled and rewarded. Poor or unacceptable behaviour needs to be sanctioned. Positive relationships with pupils are the key to good behaviour; the self-esteem of all pupils is enhanced by praise, reward and celebration.
Our policy is based on recognition of the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community, the importance of clear and consistent routines inside and outside the classroom which are always adhered to and create a culture of success