School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of the important policies for your reference. Printed copies may be requested from the school office.
If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask at the school office.
For information about school admissions, please visit our school admissions page which can be found in the parent section of our webite.
Accessibility Policy and Plan (Jan 2025)
Administration of Medicines (Jan 2025)
Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy (Jan 2025)
Anti-Bullying Policy (Sept 2024)
Determined Admission Arrangements
Early Career Teacher (ECT) Policy (Jan 2025)
Home School Agreement Parent Copy (Sept 2024)
Internet and E-Safety Policy (Nov 2024)
Intimate Care Policy (Nov 2024)
LAC and PLAC Policy (Jan 2025)
Low Level Concerns Policy (Jan 2025)
Missing Child Procedures Policy (June 2024)
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Jan 2025)
Staff Code of Conduct (Jan 2025)
Support For Pupils With Medical Conditions (Jan 2025)
Suspension and Exclusion Policy (Jan 2025)
Walking To and From School Policy (March 2023)
Rowan Learning Trust Policies
As part of a muti-academy trust there are trust policies that all schools must work to in addition to the school specific policies.
Please click the following link to access RLT statutory policies:
The Rowan Learning Trust: Statutory Policies (rlt.education)