Art Curriculum Intent
Our art curriculum is built to support, inspire and prepare our children for their future.
Art Intent
At Lamberhead we understand the importance of an ambitious bespoke curriculum which enables the children of whatever ability to thrive. Our art curriculum is progressive and introduces new techniques and artists along the way. It also allows the children as they travel through school time to revisit and build upon prior learning, practicing and embedding what has already been taught.
We recognise the fact that we have children at different starting points in all classes, and so we will provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the individual child. We will achieve this through a range of strategies which are differentiated by task, expected outcome and/or support from peers or adults. Each child will have access to quality resources to apply any art techniques taught.
Pupils will be supported in studying art theory and researching artists with wider reading, using both the internet and books available. Engaging the children with an array of different artists and crafts persons will ignite the children’s interests to become lifelong learners. To enable this, we value a strong and supportive home school relationship which we know is essential to support success. We endeavor to provide firsthand learning experiences, whilst allowing the children to build resilience, ambition and integrity. Visits are planned to enhance learning wherever possible to give children new experiences of visiting an art gallery or museum. Experts in particular art disciplines will be invited into school to work with the children. This would use the wider school community as well as artists in residents.
Through creativity and engagement, we will enrich the children's vocabulary enabling them to better voice opinions and participate in critiques of work. All art lessons will be delivered in a safe environment where opinions are respected, and art works and creativity celebrated. We understand the importance of children using self-expression allowing healthy and happy minds. We intend that our art curriculum to educate all the children to become effective, inquisitive and curious. They will become independent life long learners and with effective support this will influence their wider thinking across all areas of the creative and wider curriculum.
Art Units of Work:
Intent Summaries:
Artist in Residence
We were lucky enough to be visited by textile artist, Victoria Hough. She spent three days in school working with groups of children in KS2. The children’s work was used to create one large piece of art which we have displayed in school.