Our Vision
Our school will be the extended family that is there to support, inspire and prepare our children to be their BEST.
With love and compassion, we will provide a sense of belonging in a safe, happy and supportive environment, with clear and consistent boundaries.
Children get one chance to be at school. Let us make it the BEST chance through:
• Quality teaching
• Celebrating achievement
• Enriching experiences
• Strong relationships
Our Moto - Believe Endeavour Succeed Together – underpins all that we do. Because we are ambitious for the future, we strive to be our BEST each day through hard work and determination. We support our children and create an environment where everyone can ask for the help and support they need whilst also teaching the importance of independence. We celebrate achievement, share in the joy of other people's successes and offer encouragement to everyone in our school family as they endeavour to be their BEST.
Our Values
As a school family, we share and live by our agreed values. We recognise the ‘golden apple’ inside each and every one of us and this is strengthened through consistently promoting excellent behaviour. We recognise that our values curriculum is at the heart of everything we do. Pupils are supported to develop their understanding of these values through assembly, through our curriculum, through wider experiences and through our behaviour policy which is built upon our ‘Golden Rules’.
Our Golden Rules are:
· Do listen
· Do work hard
· Do look after property
· Do be kind and helpful
· Do be honest
· Do be gentle
Our values are:
· Respect
· Love
· Acceptance and Tolerance
· Resilience
These values motivate our actions and serve as guiding principles which promote happiness in ourselves and in others. For more informatiom about our chosen School Icons, please click here.
British Values
In addition to our School Values, we also uphold British values. As a school we promote British values ensuring that our children leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. We support the values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. Through aspects of school life such as voting for school council members, assemblies and discrete PSHE lessons, these values are embedded within our curriculum.
Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is built to support, inspire and prepare our children for their future.
Support: We recognise the importance of an ambitious and bespoke curriculum which enables all our children to thrive. We quickly identify each child’s unique starting point and ensure the foundations for learning are fully embedded through quality speaking and listening and a focus on early reading success. Children are supported to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be life-long learners. This includes an awareness of how to ensure their own physical and social emotional well-being for future stability and success. We promote positive behaviours and ensure a safe learning environment for all. As children move through school, new learning is embedded with regular practice and review. We value a strong and supportive home-school relationship which is essential to a child’s future success.
Inspire: We want all our children to be ambitious for their future; to have experiences which open up new ideas and a passion to pursue a future path which will bring them happiness and fulfilment in life. Through a broad and diverse curriculum and a wide-ranging extra-curricular offer, we aim to provide opportunity to develop new interests, identify talents and promote a thirst for learning.
Prepare: We believe a quality education is the key to future success. Our children benefit from a deliberately planned, ambitious curriculum which is tailored to their needs. Preparing our children for the next step in their personal and academic journey is an essential part of what we do. We take pride in knowing our children and families and ensure all our children are provided with our BEST each and every day.