

Phonics is a high priority for us at Lamberhead Green because we want all our children to be readers. All children in FS and KS1 participate in a daily phonics lesson based on RWI.

Children learn read and write sounds and to blend them into words. We have consistently achieved results in excess of the national average for our phonics screening and typically by the end of year 2 almost all of our children are at the required standard. 

Children participate in a phonics sessions for up to an hour per day. In this session they will have lots of opportunities to practise reading and writing  new sounds. They will also practise spelling words and reading texts. Our children love phonics sessions because they are fun and interactive.

The children are assessed regularly and are taught in ability groups. These groups are reviewed each half term. For children who need extra support, 1-1 phonics sessions are given by trained reading teachers. We also work regularly with a consultant from Read Write Inc to refine our practice.  All of this has ensured that in each of the past three years we have been awarded badged status by Read Write Inc. because of our high standards.