Timetable of the school day


School opening hours


Classroom doors open at 08:45 (with learning activities available for children).

All pupils should arrive in classrooms by 08:55.


For pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1, the school day ends at 15:20.

For pupils in Key Stage 2, the school day ends at 15:25.


All pupils have a 15-minute morning break and a lunchtime break of one hour.

Pupils in Key Stage 1 have a 10-minute afternoon break.


For pupils in Reception/KS1, school is open for 32 hours and 55 minutes per week (08:45 - 15:20).

For pupils in KS2, school is open for 33 hours and 20 minutes per week (08:45 - 15:25).


Children start working as soon as they are in the classroom so even missing 5 mins at the start of the day could mean they are missing some vital information that could impact their learning. If your child is late, they may feel uncomfortable coming into class while everybody has started the school day,  it also may disrupt the learning of other children in class.

Registers are taken at 8:55am. If your child enters after this, they may be missed off the register. If you bring your child to school after 8:55am- please bring them by the office so that we can ensure they are signed in.



FS and KS1:  12:00-1:00

KS 2: 12:30-1:30


End of the school day

FS/KS1 - 3:20pm

KS2 3:25pm


If your child is Y6,  they are allowed to walk home on their own. You must send a letter into school authorising them to walk home by themselves. To read our Walking To And From School Policy, please go to our policy page

If, on a rare occasion, you need to change your child’s arrangements for walking home, you must  ring the office before 3pm. After this time the office is very busy and we can’t  guarantee to get the message to the class in time.