Religious Education (R.E) at Orrell Lamberhead Green

In an ever-changing world and by growing up in a diverse, multi-cultural society, we want our children to have a good understanding about the world around them, what people believe in and how this may influence their actions and traditions. We support children to develop their own understanding of the world and what they believe while accepting the beliefs and behaviours of others with views different to our own.

For us to enable our children to be capable and competent students of RE, we must provide our children with the opportunity to: think critically, become culturally aware, reflect on their own beliefs and to prepare them for life in a multicultural world.

At Orrell Lamberhead Green Academy, we want to support, inspire, and prepare our children to be knowledgeable students of RE.


We recognise the importance of RE within the curriculum and what it can offer our children. When children begin their journey here at Lamberhead Green, we quickly identify each individual child’s starting points within RE using the Early Learning Goals strand: to know some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country; and to explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.

This enables our highly trained staff to ensure your child’s journey throughout the RE curriculum starts with the correct foundations. Speaking and listening is at the forefront of RE in school. Our RE curriculum poses lots of opportunities to develop their speaking and listening through the use of quality resources which generate rich lines of enquiry, discussions and debates. Children develop a wider awareness of the world through studying beliefs, celebrations and symbols used in all ways of life. We ensure that our children regularly revisit content through our retrieval practise at the start of each lesson so that they can retain knowledge, allowing them to develop each concept further.

Children are given opportunities for reflection time to develop their own views and beliefs which contributes to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Through our progressive RE curriculum, will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to be a well-informed citizen who reflects our school values of respect and acceptance.



We want all of our children to understand and appreciate the ever-changing, multi-cultural world that they live in to provide them with a successful and happy future life. Within the RE curriculum, we have identified a range of experiences that will bring their RE learning to life. These experiences include: school trips to places of worship; in-school speakers such as priests, vicars and volunteers from different religious settings; using high-quality resources to generate enquiry and lasting memories; as well as their carefully planned classroom experience.

Our main aim in RE is to give your child an appreciation of the multicultural, diverse world around them and to develop their own moral, social and cultural views. We aim to create a desire to take an interest in what practices go on around them and a desire to understand how and why people behave in certain ways. 



Your child will be taught a deliberately planned curriculum which not only looks at the major world religions but also has been personalised to study religion within their locality. We take pride in the knowledge and values that our RE curriculum prepares your child so that they can take their understanding of themselves and the world around them in to their next steps.


Through our RE curriculum, our children will be able to:

·        Become culturally aware, respectful and accepting: Through exposure to diverse religious perspectives, children will develop a broader understanding of different cultures and traditions. This can foster respect, tolerance, and empathy towards people with different beliefs, behaviours and backgrounds.

 Â·        Recognise and understand a range religious beliefs and practices: Children will gain knowledge about  various religious beliefs, practices, and traditions. This includes learning about the history, sacred texts, rituals, and ethical teachings of different religions.

·        Develop critical thinking and ethical reasoning: Religious education often involves exploring complex moral and ethical questions. Children will learn to think critically about these issues, engage in discussions, and develop their own reasoned perspectives on what constitutes right and wrong.

·        Personally Reflect and Form Their Personal Identity: RE allows children to reflect on their own beliefs and values. This can be a crucial part of their personal identity formation and spiritual growth.

·        Moral and Social Responsibility: Religious teachings often emphasize themes of social justice, charity, and community service. Children may be inspired to engage in acts of kindness, volunteer work, and efforts to improve their communities.

·        Emotional and Mental Well-being: Understanding and practicing religious or spiritual principles can contribute to emotional and mental well-being. It provides children with frameworks for coping with life's challenges and finding meaning and purpose.

·        Community and Social Skills: Participating in group discussions and activities related to religious education helps children develop social skills and a sense of community. They learn to articulate their thoughts, listen to others, and collaborate respectfully.

·        Preparation for a Multicultural World: As societies become increasingly multicultural, religious education can prepare children to navigate and contribute positively to a diverse world. They learn to appreciate different viewpoints and live harmoniously with people from various backgrounds.


By studying a religious education curriculum, children are equipped not only with knowledge about religions but also with essential life skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

Whole School Church Service December 2024