Geography Curriuculum Intent
The study of geography enables our children to develop a better understanding of the planet that we live on, how to improve our surroundings and protect the planet for future generations. At Lamberhead Green we believe that geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. We want our children to have an interest in their surroundings and to develop a knowledge of the physical and human processes which shape an area.
Geography allows our children to learn about other cultures and, in doing so, teaches respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural society. Geography at Lamberhead Green develops knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas which can, and are used to, promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
For us to enable our children to be capable and competent geographers, we must provide our children with the opportunity to think critically; devise investigative questions and construct valid opinions through understanding. At Orrell Lamberhead Green Academy we want to support, inspire, and prepare our children to be geographers using fieldwork, geographical skills and investigations. We want to foster within our children a sense of curiosity and wonder about the beauty of the world around them.
Support: We recognise the importance of Geography within the curriculum and what it can offer our children. During your child’s journey here at Orrell Lamberhead Green, we quickly identify each individual child’s starting points within geography using the Early Learning Goals strand: ‘Understanding the world’ (EYFS Development Matters 2020 statements and ELGs). This enables our highly trained staff to ensure your child’s geography journey starts with the correct foundations. Your child is then guided to make sense of their physical world and community through a range of personal experiences. Our geography curriculum also offers lots of opportunities for quality speaking and listening using our excellent resources which create discussions within the lessons. We know it is incredibly important for your child to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to recognise changes within the environment and how they can be supported and sustained. With our vast array of quality geographical texts, maps, globes, atlases, digital technology, fieldwork experiences and use of satellite images, we believe these tools will ensure your child will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work geographically. This will also include your child’s ability to connect emotionally and socially to geography through our identified icons, such as, David Attenborough or Ernest Shackleton. Teachers at Lamberhead Green use questioning and provide opportunities for discussion and investigation to support the development of vocabulary, which is explicitly taught and modelled by teachers in every geography lesson. We pride ourselves within geography of regularly reviewing your child’s learning journey. We accomplish this through focused retrieval practise within the topics.
Inspire: We want all our children to realise the opportunities that geography can provide for their future success in life. Within the geography curriculum, we have identified a broad range of experiences that will enthuse your child. These experiences include school trips and residentials, in school speakers (including past pupils), classroom experiences, in-school fieldwork as well as, digital experiences too. Our main aim in geography, is to give your child an appreciation of the planet and to work geographically in a range of appropriate contexts, using a variety of materials and equipment. We want our children to be empowered to become explorers and to recognise that the opportunities for discovery and improvements for the world we live in are endless.
Prepare: Your child will directly gain from a careful and deliberately planned curriculum which has been personalised to their locality. Not only do we delve into world geography but also local geography too. Thus, creating an appreciation of the human and physical geography that has shaped our local and wider community. We take a real sense of pride in knowing our geography curriculum will prepare your child for the next steps in their education through onto high school and beyond. Our main aim is to nurture our children on their journey through primary school so that they can grow into caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who can, and will make, a positive difference to society across Britain and the world.
Geography Intent Summaries:
Geography Curriuculum Intent
The study of geography enables our children to develop a better understanding of the planet that we live on, how to improve our surroundings and protect the planet for future generations. At Lamberhead Green we believe that geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. We want our children to have an interest in their surroundings and to develop a knowledge of the physical and human processes which shape an area.
Geography allows our children to learn about other cultures and, in doing so, teaches respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural society. Geography at Lamberhead Green develops knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas which can, and are used to, promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
For us to enable our children to be capable and competent geographers, we must provide our children with the opportunity to think critically; devise investigative questions and construct valid opinions through understanding. At Orrell Lamberhead Green Academy we want to support, inspire, and prepare our children to be geographers using fieldwork, geographical skills and investigations. We want to foster within our children a sense of curiosity and wonder about the beauty of the world around them.
Support: We recognise the importance of Geography within the curriculum and what it can offer our children. During your child’s journey here at Orrell Lamberhead Green, we quickly identify each individual child’s starting points within geography using the Early Learning Goals strand: ‘Understanding the world’ (EYFS Development Matters 2020 statements and ELGs). This enables our highly trained staff to ensure your child’s geography journey starts with the correct foundations. Your child is then guided to make sense of their physical world and community through a range of personal experiences. Our geography curriculum also offers lots of opportunities for quality speaking and listening using our excellent resources which create discussions within the lessons. We know it is incredibly important for your child to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to recognise changes within the environment and how they can be supported and sustained. With our vast array of quality geographical texts, maps, globes, atlases, digital technology, fieldwork experiences and use of satellite images, we believe these tools will ensure your child will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work geographically. This will also include your child’s ability to connect emotionally and socially to geography through our identified icons, such as, David Attenborough or Ernest Shackleton. Teachers at Lamberhead Green use questioning and provide opportunities for discussion and investigation to support the development of vocabulary, which is explicitly taught and modelled by teachers in every geography lesson. We pride ourselves within geography of regularly reviewing your child’s learning journey. We accomplish this through focused retrieval practise within the topics.
Inspire: We want all our children to realise the opportunities that geography can provide for their future success in life. Within the geography curriculum, we have identified a broad range of experiences that will enthuse your child. These experiences include school trips and residentials, in school speakers (including past pupils), classroom experiences, in-school fieldwork as well as, digital experiences too. Our main aim in geography, is to give your child an appreciation of the planet and to work geographically in a range of appropriate contexts, using a variety of materials and equipment. We want our children to be empowered to become explorers and to recognise that the opportunities for discovery and improvements for the world we live in are endless.
Prepare: Your child will directly gain from a careful and deliberately planned curriculum which has been personalised to their locality. Not only do we delve into world geography but also local geography too. Thus, creating an appreciation of the human and physical geography that has shaped our local and wider community. We take a real sense of pride in knowing our geography curriculum will prepare your child for the next steps in their education through onto high school and beyond. Our main aim is to nurture our children on their journey through primary school so that they can grow into caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who can, and will make, a positive difference to society across Britain and the world.
Geography Intent Summaries: