Pupil Leadership


At Lamberhead Green our aim is to support, inspire and prepare our pupils to be their BEST.  With this in mind, we believe in creating a pupil leadership culture where children can take on key leadership roles in school.  This provides them with an opportunity to be heard and to make a positive contribution to the life of the school and beyond. 

There are many leadership opportunities available for pupils to participate in.  Some of these roles are elected by peers, some of these roles require pupils to apply for the role and some roles are only available to pupils who have met the training requirements for the role. 

Our school values motivate and guide us in everything we do.   Our school values are:

respect, resilience, acceptance and tolerance, love and happiness


These values motivate our actions and serve as guiding principles for ourselves and for others.  In all aspects of pupil leadership, demonstration of our school values in action is expected.


Leadership Roles in School: Celebration Leaders, Play Leaders, Sports Champions, Reading Ambassadors, Inclusion Champions, Eco-Team, School Council, Times Tables Champions, Digi-Leaders



School Council

Our Y4 - Y6 School Councillors represent pupil voice on behalf of every class from Reception to Y6.  Each class votes for their representative at the start of the school year through a democratic process and the School Council meets at least once per month.  Councillors bring ideas for school improvement to the meetings for discussion and if appropriate action is taken.

Roles and Responsibilities


Our Eco-Team consists of two appointed representatives from every KS2 year band. We meet every week to discuss ideas on how to make school more eco-friendly and increase biodiversity in the school grounds. Our passion for helping the environment extends outside the school as we also like to help our local and wider community. We have organised beach cleans, attended climate summits and taken part in national campaigns to help reduce the negative impact we have on our planet.