Ofsted Report


In June 2015 ,Ofsted judged Orrell Lamberhead Green to be Outstanding in all areas.

In summary, they found

This is a highly successful and happy school. It lives and breathes its mission statement of ‘Believe, Endeavour, Succeed Together’.

  • The headteacher, very ably supported by the two deputy headteachers, has inspired staff and governors to leave no stone unturned in making the school the very best it can be. As a result, all aspects of the school’s work have successfully improved since the last inspection. 
  • Staff morale is high because they feel appreciated, valued and supported. 
  • Teaching throughout the school is never less than good and frequently outstanding. Teaching is inspiring, motivating and challenging to all groups of pupils.
  • Pupils throughout the school, including the most able, achieve outstandingly well. As a result, standards by the end of Year 6 are usually significantly above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Senior and middle leaders successfully support the continually improving quality of teaching and achievement of pupils. However, not all teachers are consistently providing high-quality marking that helps pupils improve their work. 
  • Strong links exist with the local community and outside agencies. This helps the school to provide highly successful support in meeting the needs of pupils and their families.
  • Relationships with parents are exceptionally positive and supportive. Parents are extremely appreciative of their partnership with school staff.
  •  Governors share the passion and drive of the headteacher for continuous improvement. Their commitment to the academic, social and emotional well-being of all pupils is exceptional.
  • Pupils are proud of the school. Their behaviour and attitudes to learning are outstanding. Their attendance is broadly average and rising.
  • Pupils thrive in a very caring and nurturing environment. Pupils feel safe because of the high quality guidance and support they receive.  
  • Pupils’ highly positive relationships with adults help pupils to aim high and show perseverance and resilience in their learning.
  • Children thrive in the early years, make excellent progress from their different starting points and are increasingly well prepared for Year 1.


To read the full report, please follow the link below




Ofsted Report


In June 2015 ,Ofsted judged Orrell Lamberhead Green to be Outstanding in all areas.

In summary, they found

This is a highly successful and happy school. It lives and breathes its mission statement of ‘Believe, Endeavour, Succeed Together’.

  • The headteacher, very ably supported by the two deputy headteachers, has inspired staff and governors to leave no stone unturned in making the school the very best it can be. As a result, all aspects of the school’s work have successfully improved since the last inspection. 
  • Staff morale is high because they feel appreciated, valued and supported. 
  • Teaching throughout the school is never less than good and frequently outstanding. Teaching is inspiring, motivating and challenging to all groups of pupils.
  • Pupils throughout the school, including the most able, achieve outstandingly well. As a result, standards by the end of Year 6 are usually significantly above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Senior and middle leaders successfully support the continually improving quality of teaching and achievement of pupils. However, not all teachers are consistently providing high-quality marking that helps pupils improve their work. 
  • Strong links exist with the local community and outside agencies. This helps the school to provide highly successful support in meeting the needs of pupils and their families.
  • Relationships with parents are exceptionally positive and supportive. Parents are extremely appreciative of their partnership with school staff.
  •  Governors share the passion and drive of the headteacher for continuous improvement. Their commitment to the academic, social and emotional well-being of all pupils is exceptional.
  • Pupils are proud of the school. Their behaviour and attitudes to learning are outstanding. Their attendance is broadly average and rising.
  • Pupils thrive in a very caring and nurturing environment. Pupils feel safe because of the high quality guidance and support they receive.  
  • Pupils’ highly positive relationships with adults help pupils to aim high and show perseverance and resilience in their learning.
  • Children thrive in the early years, make excellent progress from their different starting points and are increasingly well prepared for Year 1.


To read the full report, please follow the link below




Ofsted Report


In June 2015 ,Ofsted judged Orrell Lamberhead Green to be Outstanding in all areas.

In summary, they found

This is a highly successful and happy school. It lives and breathes its mission statement of ‘Believe, Endeavour, Succeed Together’.

  • The headteacher, very ably supported by the two deputy headteachers, has inspired staff and governors to leave no stone unturned in making the school the very best it can be. As a result, all aspects of the school’s work have successfully improved since the last inspection. 
  • Staff morale is high because they feel appreciated, valued and supported. 
  • Teaching throughout the school is never less than good and frequently outstanding. Teaching is inspiring, motivating and challenging to all groups of pupils.
  • Pupils throughout the school, including the most able, achieve outstandingly well. As a result, standards by the end of Year 6 are usually significantly above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Senior and middle leaders successfully support the continually improving quality of teaching and achievement of pupils. However, not all teachers are consistently providing high-quality marking that helps pupils improve their work. 
  • Strong links exist with the local community and outside agencies. This helps the school to provide highly successful support in meeting the needs of pupils and their families.
  • Relationships with parents are exceptionally positive and supportive. Parents are extremely appreciative of their partnership with school staff.
  •  Governors share the passion and drive of the headteacher for continuous improvement. Their commitment to the academic, social and emotional well-being of all pupils is exceptional.
  • Pupils are proud of the school. Their behaviour and attitudes to learning are outstanding. Their attendance is broadly average and rising.
  • Pupils thrive in a very caring and nurturing environment. Pupils feel safe because of the high quality guidance and support they receive.  
  • Pupils’ highly positive relationships with adults help pupils to aim high and show perseverance and resilience in their learning.
  • Children thrive in the early years, make excellent progress from their different starting points and are increasingly well prepared for Year 1.


To read the full report, please follow the link below
