MFL Intent

At Orrell Lamberhead Green Primary School, we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Our curriculum is centred around progression. Phonics, vocabulary and grammar are the 3 pillars of progression in language learning. These are brought together by the 4 skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, to allow children to be able to use and be confident in a foreign language. The children’s knowledge of how language works, phonology and elements of grammar will be developed and extended, and through this, lessons will enable pupils to make substantial progress in one language. Learning another language gives children a unique and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own culture and the cultures of others.


Learning a foreign language should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. At Orrell Lamberhead Green, we believe that a high-quality language education should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts through another language, whilst also allowing pupils to understand and respond to speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for pupils to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.


Support: All children, regardless of background or any additional needs, have the right to a good quality education. To do this, we have an ambitious and bespoke curriculum, which enables all children to thrive and become life-long learners. We have empowered our teachers and impassioned our pupils by opting into the Primary Languages Network scheme of work, which is a thorough and ambitious scheme that ensures progression in all 4 core skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Pupils develop the ability to use language learning skills to recall, explore and use the target language, which can then be linked to, and developed in, other curriculum areas. To ensure learning is embedded in languages, daily retrieval exercises are used throughout the day - such as the register and classroom instructions.

Inspire: We want our children to realise the opportunities that Spanish can provide for their future success in life. All children can enjoy learning a language, develop communication skills, discover more about the world and its diversity, and celebrate and appreciate cultural and linguistic differences. Due to Spanish being one of the most spoken languages in the world, we feel that an education in Spanish provides our children with the perfect building blocks for later life, whether that be traveling or job prospects. In addition to this, we believe that it also provides our children with an excellent opportunity to develop new interests and identify new talents, which they may not have otherwise been aware of. We facilitate these interests and talents through native speakers and links to past pupils, who have pursued a career in languages and can now provide valuable insights into the benefits of learning a language.

Prepare: We believe a quality education is the key to future success. Our children benefit from a scheme of work which is progressive and lays foundations in key stages 1 and 2, ready for further development and challenge in Key Stages 3 and 4. We build the foundations needed for our children to be proficient language learners. The language learning skills gained will assist and lay foundations for further language learning, providing pupils with the confidence and independence to flourish, explore and develop solid foundations of a language in readiness for high school. We take pride in ensuring that our children and families are provided with the BEST every day.

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Y3 Autumn 1    

Y3 Autumn 2

Y4 Autumn 1

Y4 Autumn 2

Y5 Autumn 1

Y5 Autumn 2

Y6 Autumn 1

Y6 Autumn 2


Pronunciation guide:


BBC Bitesize Spanish:


“Spanish is a really useful language.” – Ted, 5G

“Spanish is the best lesson ever!” – Frankie, 5L

“I enjoy learning Spanish so that I can talk to new people when I go on holiday.” – Lucy, 5G

“I feel like I am getting better at Spanish because I try hard to practice my pronunciation.” – Mason, 5L

“I enjoy trying to teach Spanish to my mum and dad!” – Elkie, 5G